Greetings and happy holidays,

This issue marks our 14th edition of Tosa Connection magazine.  It began with our Back to School Issue in the Fall of 2015.  In the past three-and-a-half years, we’ve learned a lot about this city that we all love and call home.

Every edition of the magazine is a journey and an education.  We explore, discover and share information: the events, sports, arts and people that make Wauwatosa such a beautiful place to live.  For me, as the founder and publisher, it’s rewarding in so many ways to produce this magazine for my hometown.

As Tosa grows and expands and develops, I feel like I am opening up as well – doing more locally and directly contributing to the change. I feel energized by the stories of our town and its people and support our mutual growth any way I can.

Which leads us right into this Holiday issue, and some personal thoughts to carry with you through this season.


I would like to dedicate this issue to the memories, and the living spirit of my big brother Steve Haise.

Steve passed-on last month after a life-snatching heart attack.  His wit, his silliness and his most valuable immaturity were all developed right here, in this great city.   His untimely passing is another reminder to us, his family and those that loved him, that life is very fleeting and dear. No holiday, no moment shared should ever be taken for granted.

letterSteve was born on December 24th, 1964. This will be our first Christmas without him. There is little doubt that in my family this year, we will laugh and cry, remember and even question this holiday season with him in mind.  Our situation is tough, but we will get through it with the support and love of each other, and the help and understanding of our many friends, including Steve’s. We will find a way, together.

I know everyone experiences heartache and grief, that we are not alone with a new holiday struggle.  And no matter where the holidays find you this year, neither are you.

I encourage you to reach-out and express yourself…especially within the warmth of the holidays.  Give all the hugs you can muster this season and tell the special people in your life that you love them.  Use the words: say them out loud, and then go ahead and say it again. I loved my brother but didn’t tell him so.  I wish I would have. I miss him.

My gift to you all this year, is the reminder that life happens quickly, so use the holiday season to make the most of it. It is not about the gifts under the tree, or the rituals we pass down from generation to generation, it is more about staying tightly connected, and letting the people you love feel it. It is about sharing and caring, and remembering all of the best

Rest In Peace

Steven Harlan Haise  

December 24, 1964 – October 21, 2018

Please consider through the holidays that gratitude is what makes the world go ‘round.  We are lucky to live here and now, so enjoy each day to the fullest. Find a way to foster mutual growth and kindness in all of your actions with other people. Lift each other.

Stay Connected My Friends, and the happiest of holidays to you all –

Peter Haise
