editor-3After an active summer filled with memories, it’s time to get back into the school routine again. Good luck to you as we settle into the school year. Here’s hoping our lives will develop a manageable schedule as we look forward to some great fall traditions.

There is something for everyone in this issue of Tosa Connection. This issue features stories about lifestyle, sports, history, entertainment and, of course, preparation for the the back to school season. editor-2

For the health conscious reader, new contributor Lisa Godhardt discusses ways to improve our health with daily lifestyle changes (p. 12). Chris Barlow returns to take us through the often overlooked process of trash and recycling collection (p. 42), and also explores the challenges faced by an iconic Tosa tradition, TosaFest (p. 16).

Just in time for the new school year, toy guru Marianne Szymanski is back to give us the ins and outs of all the must-have gear for the student in your life (p. 32). We feature an overview of the burgeoning University scene in our city, from the incredible research institutions, to satellite campuses (p. 20), and look into the fabulous work done by the Ronald McDonald House we are so fortunate to have in our backyard (p. 24).

Our Back to School issue also features a fantastic new contribution from Dave Vogel of the Wauwatosa Historical Society, examining the first African-American home built in Wauwatosa (p. 18).

editor-4The lifeblood of this publication (and our community) is, of course, the involvement of local businesses. Shop with them, support them, and let them know that you saw their business in Tosa Connection.

I’d like to share a few photos of my family’s trip to Italy, the highlight of my active summer. And once again, Happy Birthday, Oats! You sure know how to throw a party. The people, lifestyle, rich and staggering history and hospitality of those we encountered and developed friendships in Italy with was nothing short of spectacular!

I wish those who suffered great loss from the recent earthquake the safest and speediest of recoveries. Please send your positive thoughts and prayers to those piecing their lives back together.


Stay connected, my friends,

Peter Haise

Executive Editor