It seems clear that water, in its many forms and functions, is our single most important resource in sustainable living. The recent series of compromises, if not tragedies, in the availability of clean water in the United States (the serious drought in California, the decreasing snow pack in the mountains, the contamination in Flint, MI, the petitioning of cities to obtain water from the Great Lakes Basin, the dumping of sewage into Lake Michigan, etc.) made me stop and ask; howare we doing? What is the status of our water resources right here in Wauwatosa? Should we be alarmed with some sort of call to action?

Chris Barlow shares some insight on all these questions and more in the first of a two part Tosa Connection series, “Our Water Resources, Confidence or Concern?” (See Part One p. 24) I am also concerned with families this issue. As a parent in Wauwatosa, I am constantly thinking about how my young daughter can be taught confidence and independence and spirituality. Who are the best role models? What is the best approach? Please take the time to read new TC contributor Michele Pape’s heartwarming and inspiring feature on what some Tosa Moms are doing to work with their daughters at a young age to build confidence and knowledge and independence in a fun and motivating “boot camp” format. You’ll love: “Strong is Beautiful”. (P. 12)

The rest of the features in our Spring Edition round out what is, I’m confident, another fine issue of Tosa Connection.  You’ll be pleased to see how a small Irish dance school is consistently producing top international talent, and that a new conservatory of music is filled with diversity in education and attracting acclaimed acts. We have some nice shots from local photographer Ron Wimmer in his photo-essay entitled “Wauwatosa After Dark”. We also share some ways to gear up and beat the construction woes in our Wauwatosa construction season preview feature. And last, but not least, we have some inspiring and sunny words from Mayor Ehley as we cope with the symptoms and try to shake this year’s Spring Fever epidemic.

Please look for us yet this year for our May, August and November editions of your Tosa Connection. That’s right, just three more editions for 2016, and so many stories on the Big Board. Please call us or visit Tosa Connection and let us put a marketing program together for your business or organization.

Thank you, and stay connected, my friends,

Peter Haise

Managing Editor