8I’m quite pleased that most of the major general elections are held in Autumn.  Win or lose, the bombardment of political bafoonery is cause for soul searching and emotional rest.  Due to the inevitable hangover that follows such ugly contests, I’m grateful that we can find consolation in so many cozy things this time of year.

To aid us in the turbulent digestion of this past election season, we have the warmth of blazing fires on these longer nights ahead.  And we will be sporting comfy clothes, longer work days, family traditions, tasty drinks and much consumption-based love.

One of my more private delights of the colder months is soup season.  I am a soup and sandwich kind of guy.   It is said that I have inherited a few of my paternal grandfather’s personality traits; an affinity for reading and writing, some practical business prowess, a decent, if not darker sense of humor and the love of a delicious bowl of soup.  Bisques, chilis, chowders, consommé….. love, love, love!  There is ease, health and patience in soup.  Enjoy.

9This issue of Tosa Connection has many features that we are pleased to share with you this holiday season.   From our annual toy reviews from renown writer Marianne Syzmanski to our features on the Annunciation Greek Church and the outdoor soccer club, Milwaukee Torrent, that will call Hart Park home next year, these stories add to the warmth we all derive from calling Wauwatosa our home.
I am grateful for the traditions, activities and comforts we have here in the Tosa area to share with our families.  I hope you have the time and opportunity to experience the Village tree lighting and the popular Holiday Train visit.

Let’s look at this past election season and realize that no matter who gets elected, we need to become better citizens, neighbors and friends to continue to make this country great by being stronger together.  Go soup!

Thank you, and stay connected my friends,

Peter Haise